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USA Wheelchair Football League Officials Training

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USA Wheelchair Football League Officials Training

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Are you someone with a passion for football and adaptive athletics? We invite you to attend this one-day training around becoming a wheelchair football official. WHO: This training is open to anyone interested in officiating wheelchair football. The one-day training will be an introduction to officiating the sport of wheelchair football. Those who have a working knowledge of football will get the most out of this experience. WHAT: This is a one day camp for officials. Half the day will be spent in the classroom, learning more about the role of officiating, studying film, discussing case studies, on-field scenarios and de-escalation techniques for managing game play. Officials will also gain hands-on experience in the evening by officiating a scrimmage with the GLASA Chicago Bears Wheelchair Football Team. You will get the chance to move through all 5 roles on the field to see each one in person. WHEN: June 14, 2024 Training will start at 9:00 AM and wrap up at 7:00 PM Lunch and Dinner will be provided. WHERE: Lake Forest High School – 1285 N McKinley Road, Lake Forest, IL 60045 This training is part of the GLASA Great Lakes Games. To learn more and register as an athlete, coach or official, please click here. HOW MUCH?: Training is free for Move United Member Organization and those that provide opportunities free of charge for veterans with disabilities. All training, lunch, dinner and Move United giveaways are covered as part of the training. Attendees are responsible for their own travel fees to/from the training. A small number of travel scholarships – up to $500 – are available for those who demonstrate need and a clear interest in officiating in 2024. Apply using the training registration link.


One Day Event
Jun 14   9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Contact Info Katie Putney
Sports Football/Wheelchair Football