Move United / Events / Sanctioned Competitions /

Ralph Armento Scholarship

Ralph Armento Scholarship Application

This scholarship is in memory of Ralph Armento, a longtime supporter of adaptive sports. Ralph became involved in the world of adaptive sports through his daughter who was an athlete. Ralph served in many capacities within the adaptive sports movement including as event director for the Masonic Wheelchair Games, as president of the Tri-State Athletic Association, and as Executive Director of Wheelchair & Ambulatory Sports USA (a predecessor of Move United). This scholarship honors Ralph’s work and dedication to the movement and his desire to see athletes succeed at all levels of the program.


Please complete the below application to be considered for the Ralph Armento Scholarship. This award is intended for athletes who have a financial hardship or outstanding circumstances that make it challenging for them to afford to participate in sport/competition.


Grant Criteria/Details for Eligible Athletes

  • Athlete applying must be currently training and competing
  • Funds must be spent on designated competition selected on application


Questions? Contact Jessie Cloy,


Application Deadline: rolling


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The "Save & Continue Later" function can be found at the bottom of this report form. If selected, a pop-up notice will provide a unique URL which will allow you to access the form at a later time. The URL will also be sent via email to the primary email address listed. Move United cannot access partially completed forms or the URLs associated with the forms.

Biographical Information

Athlete Name(Required)
I identify my gender as: (select all that apply)(Required)
I identify my race as:(Required)
Must be medically classifiable to compete in the Paralympic Sport you are applying under (actual current classification is not required).
Parent/Guardian Name(Required)
Who is completing this grant application?(Required)
Have you received an individual grant/scholarship from Move United previously?(Required)

Sport & Competition Information

When answering this section of questions, please focus your answers on the sport/competition under which you are applying. This award is intended for athletes who have a financial hardship or outstanding circumstances that make it challenging for them to afford to participate in sport/competition.
Must be competitively active in this sport
Are you currently associated with Team USA / US Paralympics in this sport?(Required)
Dollar amount should not exceed $1,000.

Additional Information

Provide any additional information you would like to share (i.e. education goals, community service, other sports you participate in, awards recognition, links to media, etc.)
Do you qualify for one or more of the following programs?(Required)
Free School Lunch Program; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families; Aid for Dependent Children; Foster Care; Medicaid; Parent/Guardian Unemployment; Other similar Local, State, or Federal Programs.


The email is proof of your application submission. Do not close this window until you receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, review your application responses to ensure all required fields are complete and then hit submit again.