Updated 11/17
For the health of all Ski Spectacular participants, Move United is requiring everyone attending the event* to be fully vaccinated and to bring proof to onsite registration check-in.
Attendees who do not bring proof onsite may be asked to leave the event at their own expense.
Any officially exempted (by Move United) individuals will be required to provide proof of a negative CDC approved COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of attendance as well as wear a mask at all event venues. This includes unvaccinated children under the age of 12.
* Note: It is important to understand that this event utilizes public venues and that both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals will therefore be present.
The protocols in this document contain guidance from various sources to include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and local regulatory agencies and the local venues.
Please follow CDC guidance for Travel during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Check for any travel restrictions before travelling to and from the event. Please note Metro Denver is 9,600 feet in elevation. Please note Colorado altitude and climate tips to minimize those health concerns in addition to COVID-19.
For the protection of all event participants, Move United prioritizes its selection of team members working at the event (staff and volunteers) to be those who are fully vaccinated.
Move United may invite unvaccinated team members at its discretion based on the unique skills required to serve participants. Unvaccinated individuals will have to complete a Move United exemption form that will be reviewed by a panel. If exemption is given, team member must agree to comply with the steps listed in the event COVID-19 testing policy to include proof of a negative CDC approved COVID-19 test taken within 72 hours of attendance as well as wear a mask at all event venues.
All event attendees are collectively responsible for helping us all stay healthy and enjoy a successful event. Individuals and parents/guardians are responsible for symptom checking daily. If an individual, regardless of their affiliation with the event, experiences any of the following, do not attend and/or participate:
• Has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of the start of competition
• Is awaiting COVID-19 test results
• Has a fever or it has been less than 48 hours with no fever without the use of fever reducing medicine.
• Has other persisting symptoms common to COVID-19 (difficulty breathing, cough, body aches, etc.).
• Has new symptoms common to COVID-19 (difficulty breathing, cough, fever greater than 100.4F, loss of taste/smell, etc.).
• Has been exposed to someone with known or suspected COVID-19 infection within 14 days of the start of competition.
• Per CDC and current local guidelines participants who are fully vaccinated are recommended to properly wear a mask in general public areas, including inside event venues (i.e. when meeting your instructor and being fitted for equipment). If you have a condition that prevents the use of face coverings, please contact jray@moveunitedsport.org no later than November 5, 2022. Face coverings must fit completely over your nose and mouth. Please bring a supply of personal face coverings that will last the duration of your stay. Disposable face coverings will also be available onsite.
• Unvaccinated participants will be required to properly wear a face-covering at all time while indoors as well as within 6 feet of others outdoors.
• Face coverings may be taken down while in the active process of eating or drinking.
• Be respectful of physical space and distancing, particularly when engaging in conversation (6 feet recommended)
• Be mindful of crowding, particularly indoors, and follow any posted event/room capacity limits
• High frequency touch/shared surfaces and equipment will be regularly disinfected
• Refrain from cheering, shouting, hugging and high fives
• Avoid sharing personal items, food and beverages. Clearly label your personal items with your name, i.e. water bottles
• Wash or sanitize your hands frequently
1. Individuals who becomes symptomatic must immediately self-isolate and seek a PCR test.
2. Individuals are responsible for all additional costs of testing, as well as the costs associated with any recommended quarantine
3. Report known cases of COVID-19 to jray@moveunitedsport.org or 703-283-6171 within 24 hours.
4. Do not visit the event venues or programs
5. Visit a Summit County COVID testing location (Move United staff are unable to transport for Covid testing)
6. Participants may return to participation once proof of a negative result is provided.
1. COVID-19 Positive Results reported to Julia Ray at 703-283-6171 or jray@moveunitedsport.org within 24 hours of positive test result. Please provide the following required information:
• Participant name and contact information (Parent or Guardian if applicable)
• Date of onset of symptoms
• Date of positive test
• Arrival date and method of transport
• Departure date and method of transport
• Hotel name and dates onsite
• All Ski Spectacular events participated in, including non-lesson/instruction activities
• All banquets/restaurants/meals attended, if applicable
• Known close contacts (within 6 feet and for 15 mins+)
2. Move United leadership to be informed. The identity of persons testing positive will not be shared beyond Move United staff
3. Move United Public statement release (email) to all participants (regardless of whether they have known contact with a positive case).
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