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Hoosier Thaw (Power Soccer)


Hoosier Thaw (Power Soccer)

Event Information

Turnstone would like to invite you to our Tournament on March 4-5, 2023. The event is open to all United States Power Soccer Association (USPSA) teams.


Location: Turnstone Plassman Athletic Center, 3320 North Clinton St, Fort Wayne 46805.


Competition format: All teams are guaranteed four games. Games between divisions are a possibility according to the number of teams registered.
Registration fee: The registration fee for all teams is $220. The fee is not refundable after February 24th.


Additional: We will have an athletic trainer on site. Overnight chair storage is available in the GYM. Accessible lockers room, showers and family bathrooms are available.


Code of Conduct: Competition is conducted in a non-discriminatory manner that encourages enthusiastic support within the confines of good sportsmanship and fosters a positive attitude
among spectators, athletes, coaches and officials.


Please complete the Team Roster and Waivers for each participant and coach along with a JPEG color Team
Logo (if you have one) and e-mail to



Multiple-Day EVENT
Mar 04  
Athletes Served Adult, Military, Youth
Sports Soccer/Power Soccer