Move United /

2023-2024 Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Grant Opportunity

2023-2024 Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Grant Opportunity

Move United knows that sports have the power to change the world. We incite action that leads us to a world where everyone is included. And your organization is part of the movement.

Thanks to Craig H. Neilsen Foundation, Move United is providing grants to eligible Member Organizations to improve the quality of life of youth and adults living with spinal cord injury.

Grant Criteria/Details for Eligible Move United Member Organizations

  • Must have an annual revenue of $250,000 or less
  • Must serve at least 10 unique individuals with spinal cord injury annually (youth and/or adults)
  • Funds may be spent on direct operating costs only (i.e. Program fees, instructor costs, facility rental, equipment and travel). Administrative and indirect costs are not applicable
  • Member Organizations receiving Neilsen funds for the same period either directly from the Foundation or through other entities are not eligible
  • 10-15 grants between $3,000 and $10,000 will be awarded
  • Funds may be spent between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024
  • Final report will be requested including numbers served (participant contact information), sports offered, success stories, outreach performed, an expense report and a summary of the impact of this grant.

Questions? Contact: Najeeb Siddiqui,

Application Deadline: Friday, August 25, 2023, Midnight  (no extensions).