The Move United Adaptive Shooting League will host several virtual matches through the Orion system each year. Learn how to get involved.
Move United utilizes the Orion Scoring System to host virtual matches. Through Orion, we hold sanctioned matches allowing the opportunity for athletes to compete against others from around the country and work towards gaining National ranking status. The Orion System also generates an analysis of the shooter’s performance, such as shot pattern.
Within the Move United Adaptive Shooting League, organizations around the country are using the Orion system to participate in the monthly virtual matches. For more information on how to get involved in the virtual matches using the Orion Scoring System, please see the instructions below.
Please contact Micaela Venus,, with any questions
Participant details are inputted into the Orion software and in turn it prints a barcode for each participant that is attached to their target. After the match is complete, the target is scanned back into the system using the Orion scanner and scored automatically. Orion scans a 12-bull target in 3 seconds and calculates scores and penalties. Orion is completely impartial, so all shooters are evaluated with the same standard.
Whether you have access to an Orion Scoring System or not, you can still compete. Join the movement and get involved!
2024 Virtual Matches start in February and run monthly until July.
Move United will be awarding the top three competitors in each division of the tournament.
2024 Virtual Matches start in February and run monthly until July.
Move United will be awarding the top three competitors in each division of the tournament.
Athletes who do not have a permanent physical disability. Open division competitors include individuals with PTS.
Position - Athletes will be seated and may rest both elbows and lean the torso against the bench or table for stability (see World Shooting rulebook). Athletes may use a sling to support the weight of the rifle.
Athletes with a permanent physical disability who have the ability to support the weight of the rifle with their arms. SH1 division competitors include individuals with a Spinal Cord Injury, Amputations, Stroke, and more.
Position - Athletes will be seated and may rest both elbows and lean the torso against the bench or table for stability (see World Shooting rulebook). Athletes may use a sling to support the weight of the rifle.
Athletes with a permanent physical disability who do not have the ability to support the weight of the rifle with their arms. Athletes will utilize a shooting stand to support the weight of the rifle. SH2 division competitors include individuals with upper body injuries and arm amputations.
Position - Athletes will be seated and may rest both elbows and lean the torso against the bench or table for stability (see World Shooting rulebook). Athletes will use a spring stand/shooting stand to support the weight of the rifle.
Athletes with a permanent physical disability who do not have the ability to support the weight or the rifle with their arms and must use a sandbag or other adaptive device in order shoot. SH2 division competitors include individuals with upper body injuries and arm amputations.
Position - Athletes will be seated and may rest both elbows and lean the torso against the bench or table for stability (see World Shooting rulebook). Athletes will use a a sandbag or other adaptive device to support the weight of the rifle.
*Athlete will be entered in the Orion Scoring System as part of the open division. The coach should be notified that the person is shooting in the SH2 modified division.
Open Range for Warm-up
LOAD then START – Dry fire and live fire is allowed. When you are finished, put your ECI in the breech and lay your rifle on the table.
Break before Competition Begins
Competition, First Round: 20 shots
LOAD then START When you are finished put your ECI in the breech and lay your rifle on the table.
Break between Rounds
Competition, Second Round: 20 shots
LOAD then START When you are finished put your ECI in the breech and lay your rifle on the table.