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56th USA Archery Indoor Nationals – UT


56th USA Archery Indoor Nationals – UT

Event Information

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Medical classification to be held Friday, Athlete will shoot on Saturday as part of the classification process. Athletes shoot both Saturday and Sunday for event placement. *Athletes must choose a shooting time on Saturday and do their medical classification on Friday for the indoor events. All athletes must submit a completed Para Archery National Classification Medical Intake Form (below), signed by a physician within 12 months of classification to verify their eligible impairment and underlying health condition. This form must be submitted to USA Archery at at least 30 days prior to the event to request classification. Athletes must also submit a portrait photo of themselves to Para Archery National Classification Medical Intake Form: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ Para Archery Classification Information: Classification Resources:


Multiple Day Event
Feb 07 - Feb 09
Contact Info Austin Blain
Athletes Served Military, Youth
Sports Archery