Move United / Events / Nationals /

Military Athlete Nationals Scholarship Form

Military Athlete Scholarship Form
2023 The Hartford Nationals

Please complete the form below in order to receive your 2023 The Hartford Nationals Military Athlete Scholarship. Only athletes that have been contacted by Move United following their registration for the event are eligible for this scholarship. For more details on the scholarship opportunity visit here.


Athletes may request reimbursement for the following items (up to $500 total):

  • Nationals event registration fees (to include daily lunch tickets and/or Closing Celebration tickets)
  • Air Travel or Ground Transportation per Move United’s travel policies
  • Hotel for up to 7 nights between July 8 and July 14 and according to Move United’s travel policies
  • $50 Per Diem for up to 7 days (per diem covers meals, tips, and parking – can include travel days)
  • Sports supplies or apparel needed for training or competition



  • Recipients must turn in all receipts by Friday, July 28, 2023 in order to receive their scholarships
  • If receipts are received by June 28, 2023, the scholarship will be provided to the recipient at Athlete Check In on site at Nationals
  • If receipts are received after June 28, 2023, scholarships will be mailed to the recipients