Move United / Our Team /

Deanne Fay

Deanne Fay headshot

Deanne Fay

Deanne Fay is a licensed physical therapist with over 30 years of experience primarily in neurological and pediatric settings. She is a board certified Pediatric Specialist Emeritus by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and currently works as a Professor in the Physical Therapy Program at A.T. Still University (ATSU). Deanne has been involved with sports for the physically disabled since 1990 serving as an assistant athletics coach for 7 years, a national athletics (track and field) classifier for the last 25 years, and an international athletics classifier for the last 7 years. She has worked as a classifier at over 50 national game and has conducted several workshops on classification. Deanne is currently working on research investigating aspects of inclusion for athletes in disability in school-based sports. Her work with sports for the disabled contributed to her recognition by the Arizona Physical Therapy Association as Physical Therapist of the Year for 2012.


  • Competition Committee

The Competition Committee includes a diverse representation of voices from the competition space. The group’s focus is on how Move United can better serve athletes in competition and support event directors currently hosting competition and those interested in hosting competition in the future. To learn more or contact members of the team, please email