Move United / Our Team /

Karin Bock

Karin Bock headshot

Karin Bock

Archery chose me and I am extremely happy that it did. I love this sport for so many reasons, but the one I come back to again and again is that everyone can be a part of it. Archery is accessible to people with any ability. Karin Bock has coached cheerleading, volleyball, bowling, and archery for more than 40 years. Karin began the Colorado Springs JOAD club which evolved into the Archery School of the Rockies because of her love of teaching young athletes and helping them overcome challenges. She is also a certified USA Archery Judge.


  • Competition Committee

The Competition Committee includes a diverse representation of voices from the competition space. The group’s focus is on how Move United can better serve athletes in competition and support event directors currently hosting competition and those interested in hosting competition in the future. To learn more or contact members of the team, please email