Move United / Our Team /

Trisha Yurochko

Trisha Yurochko headshot

Trisha Yurochko

Trisha Yurochko has been involved in sports for the athletes with disabilities for over 40 years. She started with the Children's Lightning Wheels as a coach and has been the head coach for over 30 years. Trisha is also a national classifier, a USATF official with Parasport certification, a Level 1 USATF Coach, a Level 1 Archery Coach, and has been the Meet Director for the Invitational Track & Field Meet, the Tri-State Regional Swim Meet and Junior Nationals (2001, 2008, 2015). She has been a member of the Tri-State Wheelchair and Ambulatory Athletics Board of Directors since 1980 and is currently the treasurer. She also was a member of the Adaptive Sports USA Junior Committee for many years and has also been involved with powerlifting.


  • Competition Committee

The Competition Committee includes a diverse representation of voices from the competition space. The group’s focus is on how Move United can better serve athletes in competition and support event directors currently hosting competition and those interested in hosting competition in the future. To learn more or contact members of the team, please email