The mission of AccesSportAmerica is to inspire higher function and fitness for children and adults of all disabilities through high-challenge sports and training.
We adapt sports that the most agile of athletes can find challenging and bring these sports to children and adults living with disabilities. The exhilaration inherent in each sport fosters positive change in function and fitness as well as attitude, and the expectation for a life lived with a disability.
Programs are designed to promote each person’s highest physical and athletic potential while cultivating social, cognitive, and emotional well-being.
We seek to create a community where differences are diminished, blurred, and often erased. Our programs are designed to build a community that lasts a lifetime.
AccesSportAmerica programs are designed to promote each person’s highest physical and athletic potential while cultivating social and emotional well-being. The exhilaration inherent to each sport is only a part of a broad experience that fosters positive change in function and fitness as well as attitude and the expectation for a life lived with a disability. Athletes, through individually developed programs, experience a series of unparalleled accomplishments. Over 2,000 athletes participate annually year round.
Gait Trainer Program
In-School Program
High Challenge Sports
Professional Sports Collaboration
Function & Fitness Program
Conditioning & Sports Program (Soccer & Tennis)
Sports Camps
The people you meet through tennis are friendly, happy, optimistic and outgoing, They just want to have a good time and want others to have a good time. – Steve Kappes, Director of the San Diego Wounded Warrior Tennis Program and Director of Military Outreach for the San Diego District Tennis Association All About…