Three athletes racing in racing wheelchairs
Move United /

The Hartford Human Achievement through Adaptive Sports

Human Achievement through Adaptive Sports

Human Achievement through Adaptive Sports

THE HARTFORD has been a leader in the Adaptive Sports Movement for three decades – and in partnership with Move United, supports adaptive sports events, equipment donations and athletes.


Every winter since 1993, THE HARTFORD serves as the title sponsor of THE HARTFORD Ski Spectacular, the largest winter festival for youth and adults with disabilities. The programs offered during this week-long event include learn to ski and snowboard lessons, a week-long race camp, Level I Race (Ski Spec Challenge Race), Nordic skiing, free clinics (in Nordic skiing, biathlon, curling, and sled hockey), PSIA-AASI National Adaptive Academy for Instructors, banquets, and other social/networking events.  THE HARTFORD Ski Spectacular strengthens and expands adaptive snow sports programs in communities throughout the U.S. and helps identify and train youth, wounded warriors, and others with disabilities who strive to be winter Paralympians. A week of ski and snowboard race training prepares athletes for national and international competitions.


Summer events include title sponsorships of five of the most prominent adaptive sports competitions in the United States: the UCO Endeavor Games, Desert Challenge Games, Texas Regional Games, Great Lakes Games and THE HARTFORD Nationals. These events provide hundreds of youth and adults with disabilities the opportunity to compete in 12 adaptive sports, participate in learning clinics and receive national classification.


Often, the biggest barrier to adaptive sports participation for youth and adults with disabilities is equipment, which can be very expensive. THE HARTFORD’s Human Achievement through Adaptive Sports program launched in 2019 to make adaptive sports and equipment more accessible to youth and adults with disabilities. Since program inception five years ago, the program has donated more than 5,000 pieces of adaptive sports equipment.


As a leading disability insurer, the company has a long-held belief that sports are an important part of physical rehabilitation following a disabling illness or injury.

Three athletes racing in racing wheelchairs
Ski Spec athlete smiling at camera

The best part is the social interaction with others who all have some level of disability but have come out there to show that their disability doesn't define them and hasn't stopped them from getting out and enjoying skiing in whatever form that takes, monoski, three tracking, snowboard or skiing on two skis.

Posie Mansfield

Adult, Ski and Snowboard Lessons

Ski Spec athlete on snowboard with arms out to the side to balance and smiling at camera

My favorite part of Ski Spectacular was learning to snowboard! It was a great feeling seeing other people with "disabilities" able to do what they love. I never thought I would ever be able to learn to snowboard but thanks to Ski Spectacular and my awesome instructor Byrum, I was able to experience something I’ll never forget!


Youth, Ski and Snowboard Lessons

Ski Spec athlete holding ski equipment and smiling at camera

(This was) the first trip when I realized there were so many like-minded, passionate people wanting to change and improve peoples' lives through skiing and snowboarding. The whole week was like being in a candy store with so much stimulus, information, confirmation, and ideas. Recharged my batteries.


Adult, National Adaptive Academy