2023 Tournament Plans
Move United is excited to host four tournaments in 2023 to provide competitive opportunities for teams in the USA Wheelchair Football League. We're partnering with four wonderful host sites and expect your players will have a fantastic experience no matter which tournament you attend.
To qualify for grant funding in 2023 and for any potential championship at the end of the season, teams must attend at least two of the four tournaments. More tournament attendance is allowed as your budgets allow.
Tournaments will be hosted:
August 18-20 in Chicago metro area, IL
- Outdoor Field Space
September 8-10 in Tampa, FL
- Indoor Field Space
September 29-October 1 in Buffalo, NY
- Indoor Field Space
October 20-22 in Las Vegas, NV
- Outdoor Field Space
Below, you can list which tournaments your team is able to attend in the order you're prefer. Move United will assign teams to their tournaments by 2/28 so that you can begin planning. The goal is to provide all tournament game schedules by no later than 6/15 so that you will be able to book travel earlier this year. Tournament registrations and additional details will be provided starting approximately 8 weeks from each tournament date.
Please let us know if there are extenuating circumstances that require us to pick your first choice city (i.e. all of your team will be at a softball tournament the other weekends), or any other considerations we should know as we're assigning tournament locations.