Please make sure your roster is submitted by the deadlines listed below for each tournament. All Rosters must follow the rules outlined within the USA Wheelchair Football League Rulebook (pages 24-31). For FAQs around roster rules and regulations, click here.
Tournament Roster Submission Deadlines
Chicago, IL: Friday August 1st, 2025
Phoenix, AZ: Friday August 15th, 2025
Tampa, FL: Friday, September 5th, 2025
Kansas City, MO: Friday September 26th, 2025
Athlete Roster
Minimum: Teams must roster a minimum of 7 athletes per tournament, with 3 of the 7 athletes being Veterans. Team’s roster must contain a legal classification lineup.
Maximum: Teams who are flying to a tournament may roster up to 14 athletes. Teams who are within driving distance to a tournament may roster up to 21 athletes.
Team Support Staff Roster
Minimum: Team must roster any individual who plans to be on the sideline/team bench during gameplay, with the minimum of rostering the team’s head coach.
Maximum: Team may roster up to 6 team support staff per tournament. Team support staff includes: head coach, assistant coach(s), team administrators, equipment tech, medical staff, general support
We understand that teams may travel with a variety of support members in addition to the rostered team support staff. To ensure that tournament logistics are organized accurately and uphold the safety of teams, officials, and staff any individual that is not listed on a team’s roster is not permitted to be on the sideline/ team bench during gameplay.
If an individual is not listed on a team’s roster they will not be eligible to receive potential tournament hospitability privileges such as complimentary meals, airport transportation support, tournament supports/giveaways, etc.
*Tournament hospitality privileges may vary by tournament.
After a tournament roster is submitted, a team has up until 4 days prior to the tournament to make direct roster exchanges from their remaining registered athletes and/or team support staff. All roster changes must comply with the USA Wheelchair Football League Rule Book (Rule 4, Pages 24-31) and the roster rules & regulations.
Yes, team’s tournament rosters may contain changes of registered athletes and/or team support staff from tournament to tournament to cater to the team’s personnel needs.
All teams must summit their tournament rosters by the outlined roster submission deadlines. All rostered individuals must comply with the USA Wheelchair Football League Rule Book (Rule 4, Pages 24-31) and the roster rules and regulations.