Move United is a national adaptive sports organization that has provided adaptive sports programs to disabled Veterans for over 50 years. We are also a recognized leader in offering adaptive sports training and education for adaptive sports coaches and providers.
The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024-2025 Adaptive Sports Program for Veterans and Service Members with disabilities. For over 10 years, Move United has been awarded large scale grant awards under this program.
As part of our grant application, we seek to identify training needs in communities so we can strategically expand sport availability to Veterans where there is the strongest interest as well as the infrastructure to support a sustainable and thriving program.
By telling us about your facility and personal training needs we can strategically match them with our community and national partner relationships – and potentially apply for funds to support them. Move United has over 200 community adaptive sports organizations in it membership, as well as being an affiliate organization under the USOPC, with working relationships with the National Sports Governing Bodies who train and certify providers.
This is also an opportunity for your facility to request support for hosting an adaptive sports informational expo.
Needs Survey Deadline: March 15, 2024
Please read the information below for program details. Please include a support letter with the form if possible.
1. Complete the form below no later than March 15, 2024
2. Provide a support letter from your facility either by attaching directly to the form or emailing to no later than March 26, 2024
3. Move United will reach out to confirm whether we will include your site in our application. If so, VA internal approval process should begin at this time.
4. Move United is informed by the VA of projects/funding awarded in September
5. Partner sites are notified in September/October
6. Planning commences
Individuals with disabilities face far greater obstacles to healthy living than the general population. According to the CDC and BLS, individuals with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed, poor, inactive, and obese.
Move United provides adaptive sports to individuals with disabilities as a means to (1) improve health, (2) increase access to employment and economic stability, (3) strengthen social support and (4) advance social norms and attitudes about people with disabilities. Each of the four items above are social determinants of health, according to U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People 2020. Each are described below.
Participation in sports and recreation is known to benefit everyone, but especially people with disabilities. Adults with disabilities are 300% more likely to have heart disease, stroke or diabetes than adults without disabilities. A great deal of peer reviewed research validates the physical (strength, flexibility, cardiovascular) and psychological (confidence, quality of life, motivation) improvements that results in sports participation for youth and adults with disabilities (citations available).
Sports participation leads to improved health and confidence, which in turn leads to increased employment levels. In 2015, peer reviewed research showed that “playing an additional year of adaptive sport is associated with an approximately 4 percent increase in likelihood of employment every year for 10 years.”
A key need for people with disabilities is having the social support networks that allows them to participate in society and interact with others with disabilities to learn ways to extend those networks. Parents and family members, most often the strongest source of social support for individuals with disabilities, are unfamiliar with the support available. Move United’s network of 210 chapters across the U.S. provide an effective social support network based on sports that includes coaches, peers, friends and mentors. In addition, Move United member organizations work with families, schools, hospitals and other organizations to extend support systems for youth and adults with disabilities.
Although improving over time, society continues to stigmatize individuals with disabilities in social settings, including schools, media and the workplace. By having individuals with disabilities participating in sports with the public on the slopes, rivers and streets in communities across the U.S., personally held negative attitudes about disability change and society becomes increasingly inclusive of people with disabilities. Attitudes also change for people with disabilities as they see people with similar disabilities excel in life.
Trainees can be:
Event fees, educational materials and certification are provided at no cost to the trainees. Travel funds are limited (typically only provided to the lead trainers)
*The VA-SPORT-24 grant may not pay for VA employee travel expenses. Training and certifications may still be offered at no cost to the employee.
**Training participants may not profit from certifications gained through this grant opportunity
Training activities are led by qualified individuals that are certified by their NGB or sports certifying agency at the train the trainer level. Move United identifies and coordinates the qualified trainer/s. No sport is excluded from this application as long as the training is accredited by a nationally recognized certifying agency. It is the intention of the program that trainees receive some level of certificate of advancement through the training project, i.e. this grant is not designed for in-house volunteer training programs. We particularly would like to hear from VAMC’s who would like to develop or expand their air rifle and pistol programs, or who have underutilized existing facilities due to lack of qualified instructors and/or adaptive equipment.