Move United / Our Athletes /

Mark Whitson

Athlete posed looking at the camera on a ski bike

Mark Whitson

I lost my leg above the knee when I was active duty Army, Since I was young I never really let it bother me till I blew out my knee waterskiing., With missing my left leg and hurting my right knee.. I was isolating myself and my future didn’t seem very positive.. I was gaining weight, and I was depressed.. after reading a VA email about a cycling clinic, I was 50 yrs old and I decided to attend., I loved being outside, socializing with other veterans and the excercise. This lead me to winter ski clinic with a Move United organization. To my surprise, I loved it.. I attended the Winter Sports Clinic in Snowmass, The Summer Sports Clinic in San Diego, The Golden Age Games in Alaska, many summer and winter veteran events in New Mexico and Colorado. I can truly say adaptive sports changed my life


  • Hand Cycling,
  • Adaptive Skiing,
  • Water Skiing


  • Albuquerque