Athletes skiing with dual ski
Move United /

VA ASG 2024 Invitation to Host Instructor Training Events

Partner with Move United to Host Training Events

The Department of Veterans Affairs recently announced a Notice of Funding Availability for the 2024-2025 Adaptive Sports Program for Veterans and Service Members with disabilities.  For more than 10 years, Move United has been awarded large scale awards under this grant program.


Move United’s proven grant and fiscal management experience, industry reputation, and scale gives us a strong platform from which to apply again and support our Member and Partner Organizations by providing greater access to funding.


Move United’s Application Deadline: February 21, 2024

In addition to our recent invitation for all Member Organizations to apply under our programmatic application, we are also inviting Member and Partner Organizations to host instructor training and education events under a second training focused application. Move United Member Organizations (only) may apply under both Move United’s programmatic and training applications.


Hosting training makes these opportunities more accessible for your staff, volunteers, and community partners. It is also a way to provide professional development to staff and volunteers, grow community support and potentially acquire new equipment.


Please read the information below for program details.

Grant Information and Criteria

  • Open to Member Organizations (Affiliate, Chapter, Adaptive Club or Inclusive Club) in good standing
  • Open to external certifying sport organizations upon invitation by Move United
  • Grant Period: October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025
  • Grant Amount: Move United applies for multiple training projects with multiple partners up to the full grant allocation ($750,000).  Spending is limited to the budget items outlined in the Notice of Funding Availability as well as the programmatic needs to deliver the training
  • Beneficiaries of the training must be coaches, volunteers, officials and trainers who teach disabled Veterans (at no cost to the Veteran).  Or also disabled Veterans themselves (trained or teach to train).
  • Member Organization must currently (or intend to) serve disabled Veterans and members of the Armed Services (from any era of service)
  • Any sport or recreation training activity can be included. It can be in person, virtual, or a combination of both methods.
  • More than one training activity may be submitted for consideration, but no more than 2 in total. Please submit a separate application for each.
  • Host organization must have preliminary approval from the relevant certifying agency in advance of applying (see FAQ)
  • Organizations are welcome to apply directly with the VA. To ensure there are no application conflicts that would impact either of our efforts, we ask that if a Member Organization plans to apply for their own VA adaptive sports grant, they do not submit also through Move United.
  • Applying through Move United does not guarantee funding to your organization. Those selected to receive funding may not receive notification until shortly before the grant period due to VA approval timeline.

Application Process

1. Complete the form below no later than February 21, 2024

2. A signed support letter from your organization (on letterhead) is mandatory to participate in this opportunity.

3. Providing support letters from other partner organizations are of high value to the application but not mandatory.  Examples include VAMC’s indicating a need for the training or NGB’s indicating their support in your application as a host. Additional support letters do not have to be included in the form submission. They can be sent to (no later than Mar 21, 2024) following this partnering organization template.

4. More than one training activity may be submitted for consideration, but no more than 2 in total. Please submit a separate application for each training activity.

5. In the application you will be able to outline a budget which gives an indication of expenses that are generally eligible under this grant.  Unlisted items, such as administrative salaries are not usually eligible for funding. Equipment may be included, particularly if it is specialized for the adaptive activity and assists with the continuation of the program.  Applying through Move United does not guarantee funding.

6.  Organizations that provide written support letters will be named (pending review) in our grant application/s as adaptive sports providers.   We reserve the right to exclude projects from our grant submission that do not meet the goals of the program or the rules of the NOFA.  If we are successful in securing a grant, your organization will be awarded funding for the training activity you submit and are approved for by the VA, bearing in mind final awards will be entirely dependent on the grant amount received and any specifications set forth by the VA.  On occasion, partial awards are given.

7. It is important that host organizations coordinate with certifying agencies (i.e. NGB’s) at the time of application for this grant to confirm trainer availability and demonstrate qualifications for hosting.  In the past, organizations that have waited until funding has been approved have found that trainers are no longer available during the grant period to complete the certifying activity.

8. Let us know if your organization plans to submit programs directly (or through another partnering organization) to the VA ASG program. We are supportive of any other applications you plan to submit, and this is important for us to know so we can avoid submitting any duplicate programs or project elements which would negatively affect you.

Please read the FAQ’s below for more information.

Why partner with Move United?

Move United’s proven grant and fiscal management experience, industry reputation, and scale not only gives us a strong platform from which to apply again, but supports organizations by providing a considerable level of administrative support relating to this grant.

Who are the trainees that can attend?

Trainees can be Move United Member or Partner Organization volunteers or staff who serve Veterans and members of the Armed Services with disabilities at no cost to the Veteran.  VA and Military employees who are delivering adaptive sports services to Veterans with disabilities are also eligible to participate*.  Disabled Veterans themselves are highly encouraged to train as coaches, officials and sport providers.  Move United will help to promote the training to eligible organizations and participants.  Typically the host organization can use up to 50% of trainee spaces, and the rest are advertised to others by both the host organization and Move United.

Event fees, educational materials and certification should be provided at no cost to the trainees and included in the budget. It is at the discretion of the host organization if any additional meals, travel, or other expenses are provided.

The host organization is permitted to charge at cost for additional meals or activities and may (but is not required) to charge a refundable deposit for the event fee.

*The VA-SPORT-24 grant may not pay for VA employee travel expenses.  Training and certifications may still be offered at no cost to the employee.

**Training participants may not profit from certifications gained through this grant opportunity 

What training activities qualify? What is preliminary approval by the certifying agency?

Training activities must be led by qualified individuals that are certified by their NGB or sports certifying agency at the train the trainer level.  No sport is excluded from this application as long as the training is accredited by a nationally recognized certifying agency.  Attendees should receive some level of certificate of advancement through the training project, i.e. this grant is not designed for in-house volunteer training programs.  We particularly would like to hear from organizations who would like to develop or expand their air rifle and pistol programs, or who are interested in working with the Parks Service/Move United to expand access to trail systems in their region.

Host organizations must coordinate with the sports certifying agency at the point of application to ensure qualification/suitability to host training and availability of trainers during the grant period.  Please ask certifying agency to pencil in dates given grant approval timeline (awards are notified September, 2024).

Examples of past supported training activities

  • ACA Adaptive Paddling Workshops
  • Bike Instructor Certification Program Training (BICP)
  • Level I Air Rifle Certification
  • Track and Field Officials Trainings
  • Para-Powerlifting coaches Training
  • Archery level 1 Certification
  • Certified Inclusive Fitness Trainer (CIFT)
  • NOLS Wilderness Risk Management Training
  • Paradox Sports Adaptive Climbing Initiative training
  • PSIA-AASI adaptive ski/snowboard instructor certification
  • USTA wheelchair tennis coach certification
  • USA Triathlon Paratriathlon Coaching Certification

